How Tiger Woods Hits It 300 Yards and How You Can Too!

Hey, what’s up, Rotary Swing golfers? Unless you’ve been living under a rock, then you probably know that Tiger Woods returned to competitive golf yesterday after about a 16-month hiatus, so welcome back to Tiger, and I was watching some of his golf swings yesterday and see that he started out real well and finished a little bit sloppy coming in, but overall, his golf swing looks really, really good, and I’m really pleased to see some of the movement that he’s making into his lead side now to help protect and preserve his back, get him into some really good impact positions. He’s doing a really good job, and that’s what we’re going to be highlighting today is just something different that he’s been doing down at the bottom with his driver swing that I haven’t seen him do for quite some time. So without further ado, let’s go ahead and take a look at that now.

Looking at things from an address position here, you can see that he’s got good weight distribution. You can see that he’s 50/50 here. He’s got a little bit of axis tilt here at address, which puts his head in behind the golf ball, puts his right side of his body in a little bit more of a passive position, also allows him to rotate around his spine without running the risk of reverse pivoting. Typically, those golfers that tend to set up in that line a little bit more on the vertical side, you’ll run the risk when you start to shift your pelvis to the right, or to your trail side I should say, you’ll notice that your spine wants to try to lean more towards the target.

So looking at things here as he loads into his right side, this is what I was talking about. You can see that he is really maintaining the tilt in the golf swing. He’s got a good dynamic amount of load into this right side, and that’s going to take a lot of that stress off the lower back because he doesn’t have his spine leaning more towards the target, so that’s definitely a good move, and this is setting him up to be able to use weight transfer as a good source of his power, which he’s always done really, really well. So this is really kind of the money move that I wanted to kind of highlight is the impact position that he’s getting himself into now.

See with his driver swing he is much more over to his lead side than we have ever seen him. So if you look, he’s got the lead ankle, lead knee, lead hip socket, all of those things right on top of each other, but he’s also got the lead shoulder more on top of the lead ankle, where typically he would always have the lead shoulder back in this direction quite a bit, and that would start to produce a lot more side bend. Okay, so when you start to hang back a little bit more and you create more secondary axis tilt where your spine is leaning further away from the target and you’re releasing the club out in front of you, that’s going to create more side bend, which in turn is going to start to put more stress on your lower back.

So if you’ve noticed that when you make these driver swings, which we do want to promote a little bit more secondary axis tilt, but if you notice that your spine is hanging way back and maybe you’ve been having a little bit of a back pain, watch this position. If you see that your spine is really leaning way away from the target, then that can start to put that compression on the lower vertebrae and start to really over time start to become a little bit on the nagging side. Your spine hates two things: sheer force and compression.

So, obviously, they’ve made a really good change in his golf swing. His backswing looks nice and tight. His balance looks really good throughout the golf swing, so just overall we’re pleased to see the movements that he’s making. See that he’s got a lot of good RST qualities in there. All right? So hopefully we see some good golf out of him today and for the rest of the weekend. Remember guys, if you haven’t already subscribed to our channel, go ahead and subscribe now. Leave us a thumbs up if you can, and obviously in the comments if you have any questions or comments please feel free to post those up and I’ll help you out as best I can. Let’s get out there, let’s play some great golf, and make it a great day.

If you want to learn the science behind hitting 300 yard drives, click here to watch our “Bomb Your Driver Series” of videos!

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Chuck Quinton

is the founder of the RotarySwing Tour online golf instruction learning system. He played golf professionally for 8 years and has been teaching golf since 1995 and has worked with more than 100 playing professionals who have played on the PGA, and other major tours around the world.

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