Why is Golf So Hard? Step-by-Step Advice to Play Better (2021)

Hi. I'm Chuck Quinton, Founder of Rotary Swing Golf. If you looked at my last video I gave you a little physics lesson on pushing versus pulling. It's an important concept to understand if you want to master the golf swing. If you haven't watched that video go back and watch it now because it's going to be critical that you understand pushing versus pulling and it's importance of getting into proper tour quality impact positions.

Let's talk about that for a second. Every tour player that you see gets into this impact position where their left wrist is flat and the shaft is leaning toward the target, and every amateur just about looks the exact opposite where their right wrist is fully bent or flexed out, and the shaft is leaning almost backwards away from the target, and their left wrist and left elbow's bent and broken down. Why is that?

Before we get into that, I want you to ask yourself a couple critical questions that you probably never thought about and they seem kind of common sensical and they'll make you kind of chuckle when you think about them.

One, why is the golf grip on your left hand? If the vast majority of people playing golf are playing with right handed clubs and they're right hand dominant, why would your golf glove be on your left hand?

Second thing I want you to think about is why is the golf grip tapered in the way that it is where your smallest finger on your weakest hand has the fattest part of the grip? Seems like it'd be harder to hold onto up there. Why not make it really skinny at the top so it's easier to grip?

Both of these things should be clues to help you understand that the golf swing unfortunately is predominantly left side controlled. That's where most people struggle is because they're right hand dominant and that's what created all those poor impact conditions that I showed you earlier. Let's talk about that a little bit more.

From the top, what most amateurs do is they take their right hand because it feels under control and it feels powerful, and they push against the club from the top, both with their right shoulder, right arm, right hand, and that causes the club to start losing this lagging, I talked about in the last video and in the bonus video of reshaping your swing for lag. As you start doing this the club head starts to pass and overtake your hand, so by the time it gets to impact the club that is passing your hands and you look like your left wrist is bent and your left elbow starting to break down. As you continue to push through with the right you get the dreaded chicken wing. This scoop motion that allows you to hit the ball thin, hit the ball fat, never take a proper duvet, is all created from too much right side dominance in the golf swing.

Your. grip is tapered and you wear the golf glove on your left hand for the reason that as you control the club with the left hand and as you pull down and you release the club into impact with the left hand, the tapered part of the grip allows you to catch it in your left hand so you can effectively throw the club at impact instead of trying to push the club into impact to hit at the ball. You want to swing the club and release it. To do that takes time because you have to train your left hand how to do these moves correctly.

Great news is I've got a perfect video that's going to walk you through in five incremental steps from getting into a perfect impact position to getting into an impact position with a release all the way to getting into the right hand and putting the swing together in what we call a nine to three swing, so you're going from here to here, getting into this nice wide extension and a proper release. The video's called five minutes to the perfect release. It's going to walk you through everything step-by-step and get you into a great tour quality impact position in the shortest amount of time.

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Chuck Quinton

is the founder of the RotarySwing Tour online golf instruction learning system. He played golf professionally for 8 years and has been teaching golf since 1995 and has worked with more than 100 playing professionals who have played on the PGA, Web.com and other major tours around the world.

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