Golf Swing Lesson: 3 steps to better compression and more speed

If you have struggled with consistency or losing clubhead speed, then click HERE or the image below now and let me show you how to get a perfect game plan together for this off-season.

golf swing lesson

In this new video, I'll show you how devising a proper plan of attack can get you the results your swing deserves.

You'll see 2 common mistakes that effect your ball striking consistency and could be costing you precious speed at the bottom of the swing arc. I'll also show you how some of our current online instruction videos helped this student directly overcome some nagging faults.

When starting to make changes to your swing, it's a good idea to study your impact positions from both face on and down the line. You want to look at your body positions and check for the following:

  • Position of the lead wrist should be flat or slightly bowed.
  • Stacked up lead side. Lead shoulder, lead hip, lead knee and lead ankle all in line.
  • Maintaining your original spine angle.
  • Head behind the ball

These are the most critical areas that commonly effect you consistency and speed at the same time. We have the best golf instruction videos that will guide you on how to make sure each one of these positions are perfect.

Once you have identified which areas you struggle with, you need to start to understand how and what may be causing your faults down in the hitting area. Great news, this is where we come in. Aside from our golf instruction videos, we also offer online golf swing lessons. You can submit your golf swing videos for review twice per month and our team of instructors will analyze your swing and customize a specific game plan just for you. It's that simple!

Get a game plan...execute your plan...reward yourself with low scores next season!

"I cannot believe that I am getting into the impact position that I have always wanted!" - Nicholas S. - Premium Member

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