How to Avoid the TC Chen “Double Chip”

Hi, I’m Chuck Quinton, founder of rotary here for game builders for eyeline golf. One of the common problems that many golfers have is the dreaded devil chip. Unfortunately this is earned another nickname in golf called the TC Chen, who of course lost the us open, hitting a dreadful, dead hole chip in the final round. So, and a lot of golfers that plagues them. And I’m going to give you a very simple cue to understand how to fix this and another way to produce more spin on the ball and hit shots that are easier to control around the green. What happens for a lot of golfers when they, when they double chip it is they’re creating a very steep angle of attack and a steep follow through. And so that’s kind of in the shape of a V. So if you imagine, if I went down on this ball and came down very sharply on it and then flip my wrist.

So the club came up very sharply than the other end. That’s how a lot of golfers ended up hitting a double chip because the club’s coming up very quickly and it catches the ball on the fall. Through what you want to imagine is a, is a very shallow path and so more of a U shape. So rather than coming down very steep and then picking the club back up very steep. Imagine coming through very shallow back and through this is going to do a couple things. One, it’s going to allow the club to the ball, to pass the club before you try and catch it on the upswing, which we don’t want to do obviously. And it’s also gonna allow you to learn, to use the balance of the club so that when you’re coming through very shallow, the bounce of the club strikes the ground rather than the leading edge.

So apart from getting rid of the dreaded double chip, it also allows you to stop worrying about chunking it by leading with the leading edge on a chip shot. Because the worst thing you can do when you’re on tight lies or Bermuda, we’re here, I’m actually hitting a shot on Bermuda grass into the grain. So it’d be very easy for me to stick my club in the ground and chunk this chip shot. So what we’re going to do is first, we’re going to practice with just one hand only take your right hand, take the left hand off the club and practice coming through very shallow. And just imagine the shape of a very wide you, the bottom of the letter U is kind of what you want to imagine. So you’re trying to keep the club coming out very low to the ground rather than a very steep flip your wrist.

So your hands are going to feel pretty quiet. You’re feeling the weight of the club head here and letting the club had released just a little so that you can start to use the balance of the club. If you come in with that leading edge, really sharp and stick the club in the ground, you know, you’re coming down too steep. And a lot of times to help get the ball up in the air, golfers are gonna try and flip it that’s we don’t want to do that. So imagine a nice shallow you pattern and just start scraping the grass, letting it, just letting the bounce release in a very wide follow-through. So when we go to hit balls, you can practice which just one hand only very wide and let the club do the work for you. Don’t try and help the ball up in the air.

Let the club work through on this wide shallow arc. Imagine a big U can keep the club coming low to the ground as long as you can. So now when you go to hit balls with both hands, all you want to do is try and replicate that same feeling. So we’re just having a wide shallow arc, the big U. So now I’m going to do the same thing and the ball comes out nice and flat with a lot of spin. So to practice this, the good thing is you can do this anywhere. You don’t have to be at a golf course. You can do this at home and get on your carpet and let the club release. They use the bounce of the club back and through, and just imagine a wide shallow arc don’t try and help the ball in the air. And this will help you get rid of that. [inaudible].

How to Avoid the TC Chen “Double Chip”
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How to Avoid the TC Chen “Double Chip”
Founder of Rotary Swing, Chuck Quinton, discusses how to avoid the double chip in golf.
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Chuck Quinton

is the founder of the RotarySwing Tour online golf instruction learning system. He played golf professionally for 8 years and has been teaching golf since 1995 and has worked with more than 100 playing professionals who have played on the PGA, and other major tours around the world.

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