Jake Knapp’s Golf Swing – How He Produces 127+MPH Clubhead Speed
There’s been a lot of questions about Jake Knapp’s golf swing and how he produces so much clubhead speed. It’s an awesome swing, so let’s take a look at it. Now, as he goes back, look how wide he keeps his wrist. This is something I’ll be talking about in an upcoming video about exactly how the wrists and hands work. Also about all three motions that they make in terms of rotation, deviation, extension and flexion. In the meantime, this is something that will help you understand where speed comes from in the swing and overall control.
The Release In Jake Knapps Golf Swing

Jake swings well over 120 miles an hour and hits the ball a mile. Notice how little he’s doing with his wrist as he goes back. He’s keeping them wide. This keeps the club face control; helps you create a wide arc and a wide turn. As we look down the line, you’re going to see he’s going to keep his lead wrist in extension for a long time.
A lot of times people look at somebody like Dustin Johnson, who really shuts the face at the top and bows the wrist a lot. He keeps the body rotation going through the hitting area in order to get the club to work through the ball. Whereas the old school way, done by golfers like Tiger and Jack, is that they’re releasing the hands. So you can release the body, you can release the hands. Both will kind of create the same results but in very different ways.
So you’ll see as he comes down, obviously that left and arm left tricep are firing hard. So this is what you’re going to see in golfers who release the club in a more conventional way. It’s more with the arms and hands rotating over and you’re going to see the wrist go into extension right there. So the opposite of what you would see in a lot of golfers who are trying to rotate their body through and hold that wrist flat or even bowed slightly through the hitting area.
Effortless Speed
Effortless speed comes from release in the hands, not the body. Obviously, the body has to work a heck of a lot harder to produce 127 mile an hour clubhead speed if you’re holding off the release of the hands. Jake’s not doing that here. It’s obvious his wrist is moving into extension. A ton of rotation there, which we’re going to see more from down the line view. And if you focus again on his body, his hips are going to initiate and It’s gonna take out the slack and the upper body and then his hands are doing all of the work,
His hands and arms, they’re working down, moving way, way more than anything else and as he gets to the release, lots of rotation and a nice, relaxed follow through This a very easy swing on the body.
We look at it from down the line, you’re going to see again that lead wrist maintaining extension. I’m going to be talking a lot about this in an upcoming video as I mentioned. What’s super important for creating effortless speed is keeping that wrist in extension if you have a conventional release. If your body releaser, there’s a totally different set of requirements, but if you want your hands to have a lot of speed, you want that wrist remaining in extension very late into the swing.
Being very bowed like somebody like Dustin Johnson, that’s a body rotator. If you’ve got a flexible spine, you’re super fit and your body can take it. Knock yourself out if you want to swing that way. For me, I like Jake’s swing because I want to release my hands. It’s zero stress on my body and you’re going to see as he comes down into the hitting area. It’s all hand release, all hand form release. All the greats have talked about releasing the club this way. All the old school golfers, Bobby Jones, Jack Nicholas and Tiger Woods of course all released the club this way. There’s lots of different ways you could do it, but this is the most efficient and easiest way on the body. Learn more about getting rid of early extension and boosting clubhead speed.