The Dead Drill: Quickest Way to Massive Consistency in Golf

Hello, and welcome to the first day of the rest of your golfing life. My name is Chuck Quinton and I’m the founder of and the creator of the DEAD Drill. The, the only drill you will ever need to learn to completely transform the way you approach the game of golf and master the golf swing. What I’m about to show you is the culmination of 20 plus years of golf instruction, biomechanical research and personal passion for finding the quickest, most efficient, most reliable way to learn, to swing just like a pro before we get started. Let me be the first to congratulate you on your decision to take these few minutes, to learn a secret that took me decades to figure out. And it’s a secret that the entire industry of golf instruction doesn’t want you to know. What’s the secret it’s that the golf swing is actually simple.

At least it should be. Now, if you’ve ever taken a lesson or even hit a bucket of balls at a driving range, you probably don’t believe me. If you’ve ever shanked a ball into an adjacent fairway or been embarrassed by hitting one Obie off the first tee while everyone’s watching you probably feel the way I did before I began my journey to find a better way. You probably saying to yourself, the golf swing is anything but simple, right? If that’s you, then you are right where the golf industry wants you to be. You’re confused and you’re frustrated by a lack of progress, but not for a lack of trying. You’ve probably watched a bunch of videos, taken some lessons and tried various ways to get better at golf. From training aides tips, you’ve seen online, you’ve taken lessons with one instructor tells you to do it this way.

Only to talk to another instructor who tells you literally the exact opposite. Maybe you get a little better for a round or two, but you always fall back into the same vicious cycle of inconsistency and frustration or worse. Maybe you’ve even gotten injured or you’re experiencing chronic pain in your shoulder or your back or your knee. Maybe you clicked on this video because you’re at hinder your rope. And you’re just not enjoying the game like you used to, or maybe you’re one bad round away from completely giving up the game for good trust me. I know exactly how you feel. I’ve been through it all. And then some at age 30, I had been playing professionally for a few years and I could literally barely finish around my back. And hip hurts so much. I had been coached by some of the biggest names in golf instruction, and they all told me something different.

Sometimes they gave me advice that could actually lead to injuries. So, you know what I did, I said to heck with it all and decided to figure it all out for myself. I mean, let’s be real. Golf is all about hitting a stationary ball with a stick. It’s a matter of physics and biomechanics in 500 years, since the game was invented, how can it be that still so many so-called experts can’t agree on anything, much less a standard approach to swinging the club. The truth is it’s not uncommon for even suppose it experts to be dead wrong about the things that are so obvious to everyone now for centuries, the most respected scientists thought the world was flat. The most revered doctors treated diseases by using leaches to suck blood their patients. But once the facts were uncovered, everything changed. That’s true about sports too.

Let me tell you a brief story about the Fosbury flop. Does the name ring a bell since the 18 hundreds human beings have competed in the high jump and the event like golf involves a stationary apparatus. In this case, a bar balanced on two poles for the first 100 years, there was no set standard for clearing the bar jumper somersaulted over face. First, try to scissor kick and even tried jumping over sideways. The results were erratic and it wasn’t uncommon for jumpers to land awkwardly resulting in many devastating knee and ankle injuries. Then at the 1968 Olympic games in Mexico city, us high jumper, Dick Fosbury turned the sport upside down, literally putting into practice what he understood about biomechanics, the physics of how the human body moves Fosbury figured out the best way to elevate himself over over a horizontal bar was to flip over and clear the bar back.

First, this allowed him to rotate a center of gravity over the bar mid flight. The result was that Fosbury won a gold medal and set an Olympic record in the process. And not surprisingly, the sport of high jumping was changed forever. Almost overnight. Everyone adopted the technique and the Fosbury flop has been the standard and high jumping technique for over 50 years. The premise behind the final evolution of the high jump is simple. Everything about the sport is stationary except the human body. So in the absence of any other variables, there must be a simple, repeatable best technique for manipulating the body for optimal results and to prevent injury. There was for the high jump and there is for the golf swing too. And I’ve condensed it all into one simple drill. I call the dead drill. It’s a drill that you can practice anywhere, anytime with or without a club better yet. You can use it on the fly right in the middle of a round as a spot check. When you feel your consistency starting to slip away, it’s quite literally the last drill you will ever need. Are you ready? Let me show it to you.

All right. So first I want you to get up. I want you to do this drill with me. I’m going to teach it the whole thing

To you right now. So get up wherever you are, even if you’re on you’re in your office,

Get up and let me show you exactly how simple the swing really can be. So first, can you do this? Take your setup and can, can take your right shoulder and pull it behind your head and increase the pressure you feel on your right foot. That’s all I want you to do. Pull your right shoulder behind your head and push your right foot in the ground. Can you do that? That’s the entire backswing. And I’m going to show you the whole sequence in just a moment, but that’s how simple the entire backswing is. When you move from the inside out, everything else is going to fall into place. You only have to learn three moves. That’s one that’s number one. So pull the right shoulder back, increase the pressure on the right foot. Now the hardest part of the golf swing that nobody’s ever been able to teach effectively, the transition I’m certain that most of you out there have with a proper transition.

The whole reason as you’ve learned from other videos is the force of movement where you’re moving from mom is what’s going to cause you the issues and you talk, you’ve heard about my pushing versus pulling. So I’m not going to go into that stuff right now. All I want you to do is one simple move to have a perfect transition. Are you ready? So do the movement again with your whole back swing. There we go. Hold back. Swing. It’s done. It’s gonna look perfect. And just a minute, even with the club now, the transition, here’s all I want you to do. I want you to not turn your shoulders at all. Once you’ve got your chest turned back here. I want you to sit into the left side as you do that, you’re going to do my squat to square video, right? You’re sitting into the left side, moving away, back over to the left and your hips are turning.

Your shoulders are getting turned and you see that as I combine backswing and transition, we’ve licked two thirds of the golf swing already. If you can just do those two moves, the rest of your golf swing is going to be so simple for the rest of your life. You’re never going to do anything different backswing transition. Now, how do we get into the most important part of the golf swing? The only part that really matters impact it’s even easier than the first two moves. Once you’ve made a proper back swing and you’ve made a transition. All I want you to do is take this leg, straighten it up while you push your hip open and move the rest of your way. About 85% onto the left leg without turning your shoulders. Let’s do the whole thing together, right? Shoulder back, push the right foot in transition.

Post-Up if you can do those three moves, you can swing like a pro it’s that, can you do that? Of course you can. It doesn’t get any easier than that. I can teach anybody to do this. Turn back, transition, post whole golf swing. Now you’re looking at me. Some of you are like, oh my gosh, the whole light bulb just went off. That’s the whole thing I got to do because you’re already familiar with all the other videos on the site. Others of you out there and yourself, what the heck is he talking about? It? Doesn’t look like a golf swing at all. To me, let me make it even easier for you to see the whole thing. And I’m going to teach you the same sequence of how I teach it in real life in person. So once you can do these three core body movements, all you want, I gotta do is get the arms and club to play nicely.

And that’s super easy. So the first thing, as you can probably imagine, as you’ve gone through the RST five step system, what do you think I would add next? The lead arm? Of course. So all I want you to do, do the same drill again, but now put your left arm out in front of your body. Don’t even think about where it’s going. And all I want you to do is focus on pulling the right shoulder behind your head and pushing weight into the right leg. As you do this, your arm is going to swing up. If you can’t quite get the feeling of it just yet, here’s an even easier way to do it. I’m going to turn down the lines so you can see this whole sequence again and have go right shoulder back, and now just extend your arm up. Can you do this well?

Yeah, of course you can just turn back, raise your arm. Now, watch what happens as a combined this with a transition, move, no shoulder turn and keep my chest pointing at you. And I’m just going to squat to square. Look what happened to my hands. Some of you are starting to see how the club falls into the slot, which I’m going to slow. You show you in a second. And then as I move into impact, all I’m doing, I’m not trying to do anything with my arms or hands or shoulders. I’m just straightening my left leg up. Look where my hands are. If I had a club in here, which I’m going to show you in a second, I’d be in a perfect delivery position. And all I had to do there is released the club. Let me show you adding club into it. What does it look like when we add the club?

For those of you who come over the top and lose lag and cast, this is the key. So I’m gonna do it face on first. And then I’m going to show you down the line. I’ll go through the whole sequence, doing, putting my right arm up and then bring in the club up there. Excuse my left arm up. So I’m going to take my right shoulder, pull it behind my head, hold back, swing. That’s it. Now some of you may notice my head turns a little bit. I broke my neck mountain biking. I’m fused at C1 two and three. So should your head turn like this? Like Aneka and Duvall? No, that’s just because I’m physically stuck together. So ignore that and just focus on turning your rib cage and letting your arm go up to that same position at the top. And that’s it.

The whole backswing is done, and I’m going to walk you through this whole sequence. It in detail, showing you every single key to get into that perfect position during the bootcamp. But for now you can do this on your own. Very, very simply by simply focusing on turning your body to get your arm to the top. Now all I’m going to do nothing with the arms, hands or club. I’m going to squat to square. Look where the club is. Look where my lag is. Everything here, all systems go. Now, all I need to do is post up. If I post up and my left hand is in front of my thigh with a club shaft, parallel to the ground club, towed up golf swings over. All I have to do from this point is released. And what does it mean to release? It means to let go, just let the club go from that point.

Look at how much my body’s moving, not moving at all the point in the swing when the body’s under the most load. And the most stress is when it needs to be the most stable and protected. So once we get down here and the low, the forces on the body are about to go up dramatically, as the club begins to release accelerate now is when I need my joints perfectly aligned, stacked in position so that all I need to do is let the club release and my body chills out. The last thing on earth I’d ever want to do is keep turning through and driving through when all of the speeds are at their peak during the swing. One of our medical advisors, Dr. Mitch suppler. Talk to me about understanding where bulging disc come from so frequently and the golf swing. And it happens when your spine is in a rotated position and a side bend.

The last thing you’d want to do when your body’s in this position is to keep turning your body, keep turning your hips so that you put yourself in this very uncomfortable side bend position, unless you deliberately want to block your back. Which of course you don’t. So that’s why it’s so critical to learn the third move of one shear here, you post up your golf swings done. You’re only making these three moves in those three moves, move the arms, which move the club, which controls the ball. It’s not the other way around. It’s way too complicated. Can you try and position the club back over here and know exactly where it’s at when it’s moving behind you really fast? No, of course not. But can you do this? Of course you can. And if you can do that, everything in your swing is forced to fall into place.

Watch what happens when I add the right arm. So now just going to go through a sequence again, I’m going to go back to the top, just extend my left arm up. Don’t worry about exactly where it is. I’m going to show you all the details of that stuff later. Just get it in the ballpark. You’ll be way better off than where you are right now. It’s turn back. Now, I’m going to hand myself the left the club with my right arm. Good position here. Now the club feels kind of heavy. If you’re doing this yourself, you should notice, ah, hold it up there. Just my left arm. It feels a little funky. I’m glad you noticed that because now is when you bring the right arm up, support the left arm, not putting it in control. That’s where everybody goes wrong. You’ve seen my videos on pushing versus pulling and knowing the casting and swing over the top and all of the bad swing flaws that you have all come from that right side.

So what you’re going to learn to do is go to the top and bring the right hand up, just to support the club. It’s not doing anything more than that. Now watch as I add the transition drill, see how the club perfectly falls down into the slot. I didn’t try to drop it into the slide and try to manipulate or loop it or do anything crazy. I didn’t do anything at all. I did nothing, nothing, but the first movement I have, the second one, I showed you the transition drill, squatting to square and seeing the left side, the club comes down perfectly on plane. Now, all I need to do from here is post up. As I add the post up move. Look where the club is back, swing, transition, post up release, okay? The whole swing and one drill. All you have to learn is how to do those exact three movements.

I just showed you do them perfectly. And your swing will look as good as anybody’s on the planet and perform as well as a pro. All you have to do is those three simple moves. Now, as you go through the bootcamp, I’m going to start giving you the sequence and all the little checkpoints on how to do this. The quickest that I’ve found so far, it’s going to make it really, really easy to put this whole thing into the context of the swing. So when you go out and play, let’s say you go out and you hit a bad shot. No problem. How do you get your swing back on track?

Perfect swing. That’s in the middle of a round, you hit a bad shot. You did something different than what I just showed you. In those three simple moves you fired with your right arm. You turned with your shoulders, you pushed off the right leg. All of those things that you’ve seen on the videos on the side are going to start to come to life to now, because now you can fix everything with one simple drill. And as you keep working on this drill and you get it refined so that you can do it without having to think about it, a conscious level, guess what’s going to happen. You’re going to be able to do it without those little pauses and chunks. Instead of going to the top and checking your checkpoints, that I’m going to give you in the bootcamp. Oh, I got checked my right hip line and my neck tie drilled. I maintained my axis, tilt all that stuff that has to be dialed in. All you’re going to be able to do now is go to the top and make these chunks smaller and smaller. So now I’m starting to make it one smooth movement.

Would you be all right? If you had a swing like this pretty easy, right? All I did was those three moves to swing like that. Pretty simple, right? Anybody can do this

And that’s it simple, right? That’s by design because the human body like any collection of moving parts operates most efficiently and most reliably when there are as few moving parts as possible. Again, I’m talking biomechanics here, the dead drill is founded on it and it’s backed by medical experts. This simple three-step drill is the fastest, safest, and most reliable way to get the golf swing. You’ve always dreamed of no more slicing and hooking your drives no more. Duffing your irons, no more spending. Most of your time on the golf course, embarrassed and frustrated. We’ve all heard the cliche. That golf is nothing more than a good walk. Spoiled. Well, I reject that notion sort of inconsistent golf may feel like that, but after you master the dead drill, golf is going to feel the way it’s supposed to feel. It’s going to be fun and effortless.

Now you may have noticed, I said, golf will be fun after you mashed the dead drill. That’s because mastery is the key. I’m a big believer in the science, behind the bestselling book, the talent code. And over my years of studying the biomechanics of the golf swing, I’ve incorporated Dan Coyle’s principles into what I teach in order to truly learn new movement patterns. The brain needs to internalize those patterns through repetition practice, the right movements, the right way consistently. And your brain will take to this new movement and lock it in. Now, if you’re practicing the right movements the right way, every time, that’s great news. You’re on your way to making the right brain body connection that will get you the results that you want. However, if you’re practicing the wrong movements, well, you can guess what will happen. Your brain will actually long lock in the wrong pattern and you’ll actually get worse.

There is no way to shortcut the learning process. That’s why I’ve boiled decades of golf instruction down into three simple movements and put those movements into one simple drill. The dead drill aligns perfectly with how the human body moves and with how the human learns. It’s everything I’ve learned about swinging a golf club in one easy to master package. All you have to do is decide. You want to master it and I’ll give you everything you need to make sure you’re practicing the drill the right way. Every time to get you the results you want. Guaranteed rotary swing is the oldest golf instruction membership site on the net. I started making my golf instruction available all the way back in 2005. And since then, I’ve helped hundreds of thousands of golfers help reach their potential. In that time I’ve posted countless video lessons showing golfers what I’ve discovered about the biomechanics and neuromechanics of the golf swing, teaching them what I’d learned, the hard way that there is a simple and efficient and repeatable way to hit a golf ball.

I like to think of it as the Fosbury flop of golf by joining rotary swing today, you will have instant access to my video lesson library, which includes the dead drill learning system designed to help you master the three components of the dead drill sequence with access to the system, you’ll learn how to master each key checkpoint in the dead drill sequence, like how to avoid reverse pivoting by watching my video on the right hip line and after learning my wall drill and watching my fundamentals of pushing versus pulling video you’ll know what it takes to instantly cure your sway and the secret to making a full shoulder turn. No matter your flexibility. Now, if you’re like me, you’re probably more than a little bit skeptical right now with so many so-called golf experts promising you the moon. I don’t blame you one bit, but when I tell you that mastering the dead drill is the last evolution in golf instruction. I’m dead serious, but you don’t have to take my word for it. Take a listen that some of these testimonials from golfers, just like you can’t

Believe the results after practicing this drill, mate, congratulations, Chuck you’ve eliminated 99% of the world’s golf instruction I’ve played and studied all my life. And I now disregard everything else out there on mechanics that includes so-called classics like five lessons in all the fad systems. People get suckered into searching for secrets, the simplicity and scientific soundness make a compelling case for RST to be labeled the definitive golf swing method. This is mindblowing spectacular drill beyond. Amazing. Thanks. What a great drill. I’m 69 and hitting as straight as and far and far as I did in my twenties. Hey, Chuck just wanted to thank you for the dead drill best content I have ever seen.

Now imagine if the next testimonial I post on my next video is you, what would your golf game be like if you knew every time you address the ball that you were going to hit it exactly how you wanted to hit it. If you knew before you hit the ball where it was going and it was going to do exactly what you wanted it to do, imagine no more contradictory lessons, no more spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on the latest miracle clubs that try to promise. You’re going to magically hit the ball straight and long. How much time and money have you already thrown away learning to hit the ball the wrong way. And what would it be worth to you to finally hit the ball the right way? Every time thousand dollars, $2,000, $5,000. How about $47 a month? That’s right for about a dollar 50 a day.

You can access the entire DEAD Drill learning system designed to teach you finally exactly how to swing like a pro. You’re still not sure how about this, because you’ve taken the time to watch this video because I’m so certain that the dead rule will transform your golf game. I will personally guarantee it. If you sign up today, I’m offering a no questions, asked money back guarantee. If you don’t see the kind of improvement I’m promising you we’ll give you a complete and full refund. How long does that guarantee? Last? Not 30 days, like most other sites it’s for life. That’s how confident I am. The Dedra will work for you still not sure. Here are a few more testimonials from golfers who have experienced for themselves. The game changing impact of learning, the dead drill. As you hear from them. Imagine one of them is you.

Chuck Quinton

is the founder of the RotarySwing Tour online golf instruction learning system. He played golf professionally for 8 years and has been teaching golf since 1995 and has worked with more than 100 playing professionals who have played on the PGA, and other major tours around the world.

3 Pro Golf Secrets