The Swing Plane In Golf – What You’re Not Being Told
The Swing plane in golf is probably one of the most misunderstood and most often discussed parts of the golf swing. The truth is, most golfers don’t have an idea of what it really is. The also don’t really know what why it matters or how exactly you work on it. We are going to talk about that here in this post today. I’m also going to tell you how to fix it PLUS how to stop swinging over the top and slicing.
It won’t be difficult to see if your swing plane is off. There are a couple checkpoints that I’m going to give you. But I also want to talk about what the swing plane in golf really is. The truth is, it’s not just some line you see drown on a TV. You know the ones that show the shaft pointing here or there and it gets called a swing plane. Sometimes you even see one come up through the elbow even.
The general perception is that as long as the club is being swung somewhere up and down that little line they just drew. If it is, then everything should work out to you being on plane or not. On one hand there’s some truth to that and I do infact use those lines myself. But not for anything more than a checkpoint. They can be good to give a student a “visual”. They also allow me to quickly illustrate to a student what we’re really looking at. At the end of the day, there’s only thing that really matters. Does the swing plane in your golf swing let you to bring the clubhead back to the ball and connect with the sweet spot.
It’s perfectly fine if your shaft plane doesn’t look textbook perfect because it may not even be an issue. Shaft plane is really all about getting the sweet spot of the club to travel in the correct position.
![Swing Plane In Golf The Swing Plane In Golf](
In the video above, you’re going to see me draw little dots as we go through the swing. Those dots track where sweet spot of the club is. You’re going to see something interesting as we do this. As you go through the video, you’ll start seeing the red dots and then we’ll switch to yellow as we start the down swing. As we go through it, you’ll notice the club is going to trace on a little bit narrower arc on the way down. But you’ll also notice the swing plane that the sweet spot of the club is traveling on. It’s the exact same as where it was in the backswing.
The proper swing plane in golf is a result of moving your body correctly. When you do this, you not only get the best results but you also keep yourself on the safer side of injury. Stop worrying about all the different shaft plane lines and elbow planes. The sweet spot of the club is all that matters. Once you get the sweet spot dialed in, it’s time to go for some juice! Have a look at the golf swing for seniors where we go over just how important the release of the club is!