Phil Mickelson Golf Swing Analysis: Lag It Like Lefty for More Firepower

Phil Mickelson’s golf swing has held up pretty well over the years wouldn’t you say?
You’ll see in the cool video below how he can still blow it by the younger guys.
Plus, I’m thinking the 41 wins, including 4 majors, speak for themselves.
But he’s 42 years old now, and his best golf has got to be behind him, right?
Well, I guess Phil Mickelson didn’t get that memo.
His golf swing looked dialed in as he blew away the field at the Waste Management Open this past week in Phoenix with rounds of:
60-65-64-67 for a four day total of 256. Ya, that’s 28 under par!!!
Oh, did I mention that he missed putts on 17 and 18 to shoot 59 in the first round?
The putt on 18 was one of those lip outs that would make you want to throw down your putter and walk off into the Arizona desert muttering words that I’m not allowed to use in this article.
What You’re Really Here For
Enough about that, you’re here to find out how to bomb your driver like Phil Mickelson.
For those of you who missed it, let me set the stage. It’s the 18th tee on Saturday afternoon, and Phil has two choices:
1) Hit 3 wood off the tee, which he’d hit in the water during Friday’s round.
2) Hit driver and carry the lake (300 yards) and the bunker (315 yards).
It’s Phil Mickelson, so you don’t have to think too hard about what he chose. He pulled driver and bombed it over the bunker, a carry of 315 YARDS!!
So Where Does Phil Mickelson Get His Firepower?
I’m glad you asked, because the “Lag Doctor” would love to show you!
A lot of it has to do with Phil Mickelson building lag into his golf swing. If you have a lot of lag, you can carry the ball a really long way IF you know how to use it properly.
Lag It and Let It Go…The Most Important Part That Nobody Talks About
Phil Mickelson is most definitely a “Lag Monster,” but what he really does well in his golf swing is let it go. The key to Phil’s effortless power is the way he releases the golf club.
Our Premium RST golf instruction videos are all geared toward incorporating both of these aspects into your swing.
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Watch This Video
Where More of Phil’s Secrets Are Revealed…
In the rest of this free video, the “Lag Doctor” will tell you how Phil Mickelson uses shoulder turn, width and lack of early wrist set to create massive lag.
Click the button below if you want to learn how to bomb your driver and carry it farther than you ever have before.
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