Try This Simple Drill to Get Rid of Early Extension and Boost Clubhead Speed in Your Golf Swing

When you hit the golf ball, does your right foot come up too soon?

RotarySwing Master Instructor Chris Tyler shares a simple drill to help you learn how to keep your foot planted and maintain the correct posture through the hitting area.

When you master this, you'll find that your early extension disappears and clubhead speed increases.


Click on the video above to watch, or read the entire transcript below.

This video shows just one part of the DEAD Drill. You can watch the three main videos of the DEAD Drill for FREE! No credit card required.

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Ladies and gentlemen, boys, and girls welcome back to a brand new video.

It's good to be back.

I know a lot of you haven't seen me on the channel in quite some time. And so here I am. Today we're going to be discussing a great, simple drill to help you get that right foot planted on the floor. Just like I showed you guys in the Hudson Swafford video earlier this week.

Before we get into that, let's talk about why this is important and why you should stick around to watch this video and its entirety.

Number one, it's going to teach you how to maintain your posture down through the hitting area. I know that a big issue in the golf instruction world is getting people to stay in posture.

Number two, it's going to allow you to stall your body out so that your hands and your arms work independently from your body so that you can put max speed in the right point.

We'll go into that a little bit further as we go into the video today, but it's also going to put you in an anatomically safe position. Some of those things that a lot of times, we often forget in the world of golf instruction, that it's super important for us to be able to swing this thing around our body and be safe at the same time.


Let's go ahead and get into today's drill and show you exactly what you should be doing to get this injected into your swing.

Now, what I like to do for my students, either in a private instruction environment or what I like to do with them online, when they're battling with this issue is I like to preset themselves into the position that they're going to be moving to.

It gives you kind of a map or a better understanding of what you're going to try to feel after impact. A lot of you at home when you see this drill are going to be like, well, what the heck do we care about that position? The golf ball's long gone. I agree with you. What we look for after impact is a way for us to be able to reverse diagnose where you're moving from.

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If we see that your left wrist is really flipped or really scooped, or we see that your body is really open for those first few frames, then we know that you're actively moving from body rotation or right arm. stand up at home and shift your hips left, but roll to the in-step of your trail foot, kind of like you have a Fabergé, your mother's favorite Fabergé underneath your trail foot here. You don't want to break it. Your foot's going to be very light to the ground. You might feel 10, 15, 20% of your weight underneath there, but it should feel very light. Roll to the instep, open your hips up. And now rotate your wrists and your forearms and extend them out in front of your body.


If you keep your head and your chest back, this is the position that you're going to be working to and through. You don't hit positions in the golf swing. You move through them.

Now, a lot of times what you guys run into at home is you're actively moving up onto that right foot way too early. Why? Well, because it feels very powerful. It feels like if we slow this thing down by rolling to the instep that we're going to be feeling like we're kind of stuck in the mud. We're not going to be able to move. this is a multifaceted sort of drill that helps you fix many different things down through the bottom of the swing arc. if you think about putting yourself into the position that you're going to be working towards, by rolling to the instep, rotate your wrists in your forearms, extending your arms out in front of your body, keeping your head and chest back and behind the golf ball, then coming back to impact.


Then move back into that same position. Now, go back over to hip-high. you're going to shift your weight over to your right side, and you're going to be at about hip high at this point. now roll to the instep and back to that same position. You this foot flat to the floor, but roll to the instep. You don't want to have your right foot kicked way up off the ground. When that right foot kicks up off the ground, where are your hips going? They're going forward.

That's bringing your spine vertical and that's going to start forcing your hands to become really reactive. up in the top of the swing, if I lean my spine away, or if I bring my hips forward, it's shifting the swing plan around and it's forcing your hands to try to recover.


Start out by thinking about this drill being done from hip-high to hip-high.

Work on getting your wrists in your forearms to rotate and extend in front of your body, as you're rolling to the instep, and then you progressively start making the swing a little bit longer and a little bit longer.

Allow yourself to start rotating up onto your toe after your hands and arms pass in front of your body and above hip high on the lead side. Then what you're going to find is that your club is now going to go faster down here, where it matters the most, right? We don't want speed out in front of our body. We want speed down here. And so that's what that right foot does. It acts as a break. It helps you stall that rotation out so that you can allow those hands and arms to become independent and really whip on through there.


I'm going to walk you through exactly how I would practice this. I'm going to move my hips left and rotate to the instep. I'm going to rotate my wrists to my forearms and extend out in front of my body. My lead wrist is pointed directly behind me. Tow of the club is up to the sky. I'm going to come back to impact back out in front of me here to about hip-high. Now I'm gonna go back over to about hip high on the trail side of the body, and I'm going to rotate to the instep of my right foot and extend out in front. That's it. I want you to do this for a few hundred reps and you want to make sure that your right heel is still down on the floor, but roll to that in step. Now, how do we finish this off?


Well, same way that you just started this program, okay? You're going to preset yourself, extend those hands and arms out in front of you. Now, what I want you to do is rotate up onto the toe into your finished position, kind of goofy, right? But I want you to be able to feel what it's like to move through this position, into your finish. Now, go back over to hip-high, right to the instep, rotate your wrist in your forearms and to finish. And now you're going to start making the golf swing a little bit longer. So we're going to go back into nine o'clock to the instep up into finish what it's going to look like from a down-the-line perspective.


See, I'm rolling to the instep now up to finish. This is going to help you maintain posture much longer. Now, as you become really proficient with this, and you've got tons of reps done, guess what you can do. You can start speeding up now for those of you that start speeding up a little bit too soon, you're going to be relying on the field versus real. It's always best to take your time, move slow, move methodically, and allow your subconscious to actually start helping you speed things up. What I mean there is, is that your subconscious likes to get a little bit active at times, right? And so what you're going to find is is that the more perfect reps that you do, the more methodical you are about getting to this position, moving through that position, you're going to feel that you can start moving a lot faster into these and through these positions.


And you're going to find that you're in full swing territory before you know it. Now, I would always suggest that you work on this in three fit, a hip-high to hip high chest, tight to chest height, and then back into full swing territory. You only need that right foot rolled into the instep until your hands and arms get to belt height on the lead side of your body. Once they pass that position, it's okay for you to start rotating up onto the toe and to finish, okay. Do not deadlock it on the ground when you are working at high rates of speed, because all of that rotational force can start putting your back into a compromised position here. We're not here to hurt you, right? We're here to get better at golf. Okay? So I want you guys to try this drill out, start small, give yourself an understanding of where you're trying to go first, come back to impact, go back into that position and then start moving from a takeaway position over to the lead side.



And for those of you that have heard all of the commotion around the golf instruction world about our dead drill, well, guess what? We got the three main videos of the dead drill that you can come over to the website and watch for free. Okay. No strings attached, nothing. We're not going to want a credit card number. You can come watch our three videos. See what we're all about. If you want to see those three videos in its entirety, then click the link in the description below, come over to the website, watch them and start building the golf swing that you've always wanted. That's going to be way more powerful and way more efficient. Stop messing around and, and dabbling in things. Get serious about fixing your game once. And for all here, planes to better golf. Let's get out there and do it.

Try This Simple Drill to Get Rid of Early Extension and Boost Clubhead Speed in Your Golf Swing
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Try This Simple Drill to Get Rid of Early Extension and Boost Clubhead Speed in Your Golf Swing
RotarySwing Master Instructor Chris Tyler shares a simple drill to help you learn how to keep your foot planted and maintain the correct posture through the hitting area. When you master this, you'll find that your early extension disappears and clubhead speed increases.
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