Pro Golf Backswing: Learn from Michael Thompson’s Swing

The backswing in golf is a position every golfer strives to perfect. The problem is everyone hits fast forward on their remotes and goes straight to the top, fixated on perfecting that position. So why does achieving the perfect golf backswing position seem like mission impossible?

You're forgetting one crucial step!

In the New Free Video below I will show you the first thing I would tweak in Michael Thompson's golf swing and how it can help you get that perfect position at the top of your backswing you've been dreaming of.

Find the Happy Medium for Speed and Consistency

One thing I really like about Michael Thompson's golf swing is where he gets his hands at the top. He keeps his hands working in front of his torso as he swings to the top of his backswing.

History has proven the <a  href=
backswing in golf can be done many different ways. Notice what a great job Michael Thompson does of getting the butt end of the club and hands just outside of his right shoulder. " src="" width="420" height="300"> History has proven the backswing in golf can be done many different ways. Notice what a great job Michael Thompson does of getting the butt end of the club and hands just outside of his right shoulder.

This is exactly what we're looking for with the Rotary Swing Tour, get the hands nice and high and use lag and leverage to generate speed.

Most of the players we see get their hands and arms very deep and then are forced to rotate their shoulders very, very hard in the downswing in order to generate speed.

You'll notice it with a lot of the long drive guys, but it's very rare that we see a player who gets their hands too high.

Finding the happy medium at the top of the backswing in golf is the key to maximizing for speed and consistency!

The Crucial Step You've Been Missing - Load the Right Leg During the Backswing

One thing Michael Thompson does in his golf swing that I would tweak a bit is the way he loads the right leg in the backswing.

As you watch the New Free Video below, you'll notice that he tends to get a little loose with his hips and his weight transfer as he takes the club to the top. In my opinion this is because he never really loads into his right leg properly.

When you don't load the right leg properly in the backswing, it's easy to over rotate the hips and keep everything going.

Now he does a pretty good job of stopping his hands in the right spot, but for most, this will lead to an overswing at the top of the backswing.

When done correctly, loading the right leg in the backswing  can make a huge difference in how you get your weight back to the left side in the downswing.
When done correctly, loading the right leg in the backswing can make a huge difference in how you get your weight back to the left side in the downswing.

In the comparison above you can see how much better Tiger Woods has loaded his right side. When you really load up your right side during the backswing in golf, it's going to make it much easier to transfer your weight back to the left.

When you load the right glute and feel that tension, that's telling your body, "OK, I've gone back as far as I can," and it naturally wants to shift back to the left.

So if you're having trouble with weight shift in the downswing or just can't stop your overswing you need to watch this video!


Watch This New Free Video Right Now!

This one move could be the key to fixing a lot of the things you've been struggling with.



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Chuck Quinton

is the founder of the RotarySwing Tour online golf instruction learning system. He played golf professionally for 8 years and has been teaching golf since 1995 and has worked with more than 100 playing professionals who have played on the PGA, and other major tours around the world.

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